Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Ugh, I'm so bored, this room is so big."


"Hey! I didn't know anybody else was here!"
"Me niether!"

"My names Toby, what's yours?"

Toby-"I guess we are the only ones here"
*much much much*
Yoshi-"You here that?"

*munch munch munch*


*munch munch munch*

"Hu? Oh hai! What's up?"

Toby-"What's your name?"
"My names Pudge."

Yoshi-"Your name suits you *huff*"

Pudge-"Man, so it's just us three bachelors hu?"
Yoshi-"Looks like it"

"I kinda got forgotten down here, is anyone up there?!"

Yohsi-"I concur"
Toby-"It's a girl ham"


Pudge-"Dude, she's a hot ham too!"
Yoshi-"Pudge! Have some respect!"

"Uh you guys?"

Toby-"So uh, what's your name?"

"My name's Lola,, I've been stuck down there awhile"

Yoshi-" Well I guess we are going to have to stick together to make it out of this room"
Toby-"Yep, we hamsters have to stick together"
Pudge-"Group high five?"


The end.